Welcome to the Global Growth Foundation of India

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Who Can Support , Donate and Contribute

Partnerships and support

  • Individual and civil society
  • Government
  • Corporate sector
  • Bilateral and Multilaterals
  • International agencies
  • Organisations working for human development ,poverty eradication and achieving the SDG’s

Individuals  :

  • Support a school and student.
  • Support for health cause for coal mining people and general public.
  • Support for Environment
  • Donation


  • Projects
  • Programs
  • Conferences
  • Research and survey work.

Government :

  • Partnering in Government projects
  • Grants
  • Conferences and workshops
  • Implementation of schemes.

International agencies :

  • Partnerships
  • Grants
  • Human welfare with special focus on women , child and marginalised
  • Poverty eradication, education , health , renewable, environment sustainability and climate change
  • Universal goals to achieve the SDG’s targets

Donate and support

GGFI is committed to eradicate poverty in all forms and is committed to the national and international goals . The support received will be utilized in the most crucial need in the field of education, health, mining workers, rural development and environment.

Make proper icons along with payment details.

  • Education
  • Health and women empowerment
  • Social and rural development Donate to GGFI
  • Environment and Climate change
  • Financial inclusion
  • Other amount

Good photographs of mining workers, pollution, education, rural development.

GGFI is  a non profit organization. Your donation is liable for tax exemption.

Alternatively, please send you cheque/draft in favour of Global Growth Foundation of India Limited  to : At Nutandih, PO ISM . Near Central Hospital Dhanbad, Jharkhand -828001(Pls check address)








Complete Projects


Many children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition

  • Support for school, health and environment by supporting

  • Support the larger cause of humanity, social development and brand visibility.

  • Support the larger cause of people, society, environment for the State and nation.

  • Meeting the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) for eradication of poverty towards attainment of peace and harmony for global growth.

  • • Individual and civil society • Government • Corporate sector • Bilateral and Multilaterals • International agencies • Organisations working for human development ,poverty eradication and achieving the SDG’s .