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Environment and Climate Change

Various human and industrial based activities and overuse of resources are degrading the environment and thereby unexpected changes in the climate is being witnessed. Various solutions in form of adaptation and mitigation strategies are required to be devised and we all need to work towards a low carbon path. Projects based on environment, mining solutions will be taken up to address the issues.

Focus activities :

1. Renewable based projects
2. Environment based projects
3. Environmental awareness programs
4.Green based programs
5. Plantations and greening
6. Adaptation and mitigation based projects.








Complete Projects


Many children and poor people are at high risk of severe malnutrition

  • Support for school, health and environment by supporting

  • Support the larger cause of humanity, social development and brand visibility.

  • Support the larger cause of people, society, environment for the State and nation.

  • Meeting the targets of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) for eradication of poverty towards attainment of peace and harmony for global growth.

  • • Individual and civil society • Government • Corporate sector • Bilateral and Multilaterals • International agencies • Organisations working for human development ,poverty eradication and achieving the SDG’s .